The #1 reason people leave a job or underperform at their job, is due to leaders not meeting the most important needs they have in the workplace. Remember, people will have a harder time getting motivated when they feel like their needs are not being met. Their daily focus tends to be on what they’re lacking, instead of what needs to be done. You don’t usually see a motivated complainer, do you? It’s kind of an oxymoron, so it’s imperative that we learn to meet their needs. Also remember, the more fulfilled someone is with their job, the less you will see of “paycheck employees”, and the more you will see of highly motivated and committed team members.
It may shock you to learn that money is not even in the top 5 things employees need to have job satisfaction.
(Watch video first!)
Starting at #5 :
5. Employees need flexibility.
Flexibility comes in many forms. For instance, when we give someone the flexibility to do things their way instead of micromanaging them, we are helping meet this need. We tend to micromanage people when we don’t trust them to do the job as well as we can, or when we don’t trust that they will get it done on time. On the other hand, we actually empower and motivate others to take more initiative when we give them the flexibility and permission to do things their way.
Another form of flexibility is work/life balance. With Millennials and Gen Xers taking over the workforce, we need to be aware of what changes they’ve brought with them. The Silent Generation, worked long hours because they had to. They experienced the Great Depression and work was not a choice, but a MUST in order to survive. The Baby boomers came along during a time of prosperity and worked hard because they wanted to see what was possible for their lives. The long hours they worked were worn like a badge of honor. The Gen Xers and Millennials came into the workforce and started to demand a balance between their work and home life. They want to be successful but also want the opportunity to appreciate their success as well. We can help them by understanding this need, and meeting it at the appropriate times by giving them rewarded days off, extended breaks and early leave.
#4. Employees need to have pride in their company.
Disney is a great example for this. They’re one of the happiest companies in the world to work for, and that’s no accident. You’re taught at Disney, that when your name tag goes on, your smile goes on too. Even years after working for Disney, people say they still smile whenever they put a name tag on out of sheer habit. Not a bad habit to instill in others is it? The reason Disney is able to inject pride into their “Cast members”, which is what they call their employees, is because they focus on making their employees happy first, which in turn creates happy customers. They focus just as much on creating employee experiences as they do in creating customer experiences. Their philosophy of putting the employee first has paid off in a huge way, and if you’ve ever visited any of Disney’s parks, you know that to be true.
Employees also take pride in working for a company which is known to be best in its industry. Look at anyone who works for Google, Apple or Virgin Airlines. They are the creme de la creme of their industries, and their employees know it. They’re proud to be a part of something first rate. Creating a sense of pride in your company stems from how you treat people, and how they see your business from the customer’s eyes. If your employees believe in your company, your success is limitless.
#3. Employees need to work for a leader they trust, respect and admire.
How would others define YOU as a leader? Influential, respectable and trustworthy; or inconsistent, ineffective and unfair? How others perceive you determines the level of influence you have with them and the level of growth you’ll have with your company.
You can’t influence anyone if they don’t trust you. You can’t motivate people to take action if they don’t respect you, and you won’t have the ability to inspire others if they don’t admire who you are as their leader. Today’s leaders are lacking integrity more than ever, and it’s time that we step up and take responsibility to be the leaders we are called to be. People don’t necessarily want to follow a perfect leader, but they DO want to follow a good leader. Your skills may land you the position of a leader, but it’s your character that makes you one.
#2. Employees need Growth Opportunities.
Companies that offer growth opportunities to their employees are amongst the top companies to work for in the world. Some examples are the American Heart Association, Wegmans, and Zappos. They understand that people want the opportunity to grow in 3 different areas in the workplace.
#1. Employees need to feel Valued.
The #1 way to ensure you have a team with low morale and low productivity is to neglect to show someone how much you appreciate their work. People want to feel like they are more than just a number. They want to feel like they’re a key player in the success of your company. One way we do this is simply by asking for their input. Write this next phrase down:
“Employee input = employee buy-in”.
Ask for their suggestions on ways to improve processes and how to make changes go more smoothly. Not only do you get more buy-in, but you also get some great ideas as well.
Another way we make people feel valued is actually the number 1 way managers neglect their employees; through giving recognition and praise. Most managers think, “why should I have to tell them “thank you”, for doing a job that you’re getting paid to do? It’s a valid question, however, f you were to get more out of your employees just by praising them more often, would it be worth it to take the time do so? A little extra love goes a long way.
When someone is fulfilled at their job, they will give you and your organization more than you could ever imagine. Meet these 5 needs and see for yourself.
You can’t help people GO forward until you help them GROW forward.
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Betsy Allen-Manning
Leadership Speaker | Best Selling Author | Human Behavior Expert
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