No matter how perfect your plan may be coming along in life, you will undoubtedly be faced with roadblocks somewhere along your path. There is one trait that successful people have in common to help them overcome these obstacles. It’s the main ingredient that controls the outcome of every goal. It contains purpose, intent, perseverance, commitment, and endurance. It’s the type of devotion that companies find extremely desirable to have in leaders they’re looking to hire. It’s called UNWAVERING DETERMINATION.
The definition of determination says this: “The quality of being determined to do or achieve something; Firmness of Purpose”.
Unwavering Determination helps you go from “trying” to make something work, to being “determined” that it will. When you decide that your goal will be achieved no matter what, then nothing can stand in your way of reaching it.
95% of the population won’t achieve their goals this year due to one of the following 3 reasons:
1. They don’t believe they are capable of reaching their goals .
2. They think their goal is too hard to reach .
3. They are just plain LAZY!
Do any of these describe you?
Those are 3 reasons why people give up. Now let me give you 4 reasons why you WON’T give up when you develop unwavering determination:
1. You will have the confidence to conquer when things get tough. When you develop self-esteem, within yourself and your skills, your unwavering determination will shine through and keep pushing you towards your goals.
2. You will set reasonable goals that align with your passions in life. When you set goals that others have achieved and study their methodologies, you then know that the goal is attainable. Also, when you set goals that you are passionate about, you are more likely to stay motivated to reach those goals because you are emotionally connected to them.
3. You have a big enough WHY. This is your drive behind why you want to achieve any goal. Let’s say your goal is to go to the gym. You may feel like watching tv, but instead, you focus on your WHY and let that be what drives you to go.
4. You want it too bad to fail. Adversity strikes, people tell you that you won’t make it, the economy takes a downfall, but you……you say “I’m NOT giving up because I want this for my life! This doesn’t mean you won’t make mistakes and sometimes have to start over. Successful leaders allow themselves to make mistakes, learn from them and push forward to conquer the goal at hand. Successful people prove to the world that they can achieve anything because they want it bad enough. Ask yourself this question: “How bad do I want success in my life and am I willing to do whatever it takes (ethically) to make this happen?”
When you develop this amazing trait, you will become a master at achieving your goals. Unwavering determination is a characteristic you MUST develop if you want to see not just results, but BIG results in your life. Destiny is not a matter of chance, it’s a matter of choice. Choose to have Unwavering Determination in your character bank. This will add value to your brand as a leader and before you know it, success will be chasing after YOU.
You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction, George Lorimer.
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Betsy Allen-Manning
Leadership Speaker | Best Selling Author | DISC Human Behavior Expert
Destination Workplace
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