Sir Winston Churchill once said, “Criticism fulfills the same function as pain in the human body; it calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.” Although feedback is not always easy to hear, it can prove to be an essential learning tool for you to get to your next level. How you respond to criticism, whether negative feedback or constructive feedback, shows whether you have a high or low-level emotional intelligence. According to the E.I. experts at Talent Smart , 90% of top performers show higher levels of emotional intelligence and make at least $29,000/year more than people with low emotional intelligence. The higher your level of E.I., the more you’re able to manage yourself in 2 specific areas:
Receiving negative feedback gracefully and professionally shows that you have higher levels of emotional intelligence and make you more promotable within your organization.
(Watch the short video to learn the 4 Simple Ways For Receiving Negative Feedback Gracefully!)
4 simple ways for receiving negative feedback with grace,
(Using the Speak ‘LAST’ Method:)
1. L= Listen First. Most of us want to immediately defend ourselves when we feel attacked, but studies show that people with high levels of E.I. will listen before responding. When you take a moment to listen first, you can gain valuable insights on how to develop yourself personally and professionally. When you respond too quickly or interrupt someone’s critique, you may miss the opportunity to grow.
2. A= Ask Questions. Is it possible that you may have misunderstood what someone was trying to say? Unless they’re a communication expert , they may have used the wrong words to describe their critique. Instead of going into defense or attack mode, ask questions to make sure you fully understand what they’re saying so you don’t misinterpret their meaning.
3. Seek the Lesson. In the Japanese culture, they’re taught to look at both sides of a story before responding. It helps them to respond in a more emotionally intelligent way. Think about this for yourself. If what the other person stated has some truth behind it, even if given in a negative context, simply ask yourself what the lesson is that you can take away from it. Remember, You can’t go forward until you grow forward.
4. Take Action. People with high levels of E.I. are action takers. They listen, ask questions, learn the lesson and make the necessary changes in order to improve.
Receiving negative feedback gracefully shows you are a person of strong character, emotionally intelligent, easy to deal with and highly promotable within any organization.
Comment below on how you feel raising your emotional intelligence levels can help you!
You can't GO forward until you GROW forward.
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Betsy Allen-Manning
Leadership Speaker | Best Selling Author | DISC Human Behavior Expert
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You’ve learned it, now go live it and make it a great day because you deserve it!
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